Shelli's Blog

Announced at the Salt Lake City Stampin'Up! Convention this week was the CEO and Co-Founder of Stampin' Up! - Shelli Garner's new blog which will start on Monday! It will be called So Shelli and if you look at the wallpaper and personal photo I am thinking it will be very professional and very fashionable as well. This is really exciting!


Anonymous said…
I wasn't sure where to respond to your question about the texured sock monkey. I used a linen paper (the kind you put resumes on) and colored pencils. It came out looking like I did some fancy stamping thing. What a bonus, lol.

By the way, your family is beautiful. That baby of yours couldn't be cuter.


P.S. I'm excited about Shelli's blog too. It will go right on my blogroll, I'm sure!

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